Die Gestalten Editions
Atlas du surf : vagues mythiques et spots légendaires
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 6 Avril 2023
- 9783967040920
Un atlas illustré des spots de surf les plus légendaires et méconnus du monde - et ce qui les rend si remarquables.
Le surf, c'est un mode de vie avec toujours plus d'adeptes. Ce sport fascinant est une perpétuelle invitation au voyage et à l'exploration. Cet atlas rassemble les meilleurs spots du monde et leurs histoires extraordinaires.
Surfer les vagues sous l'aurore boréale en Islande ; faire une randonnée à travers la toundra arctique pour arriver à un site unique ; braver les vagues monstrueuses de Mavericks en Californie. Ce livre nous emmène dans des endroits aussi insolites que mythiques, où le surf devient presque un rituel sacré. -
Moto trips ! : En route autour du monde
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 7 Novembre 2023
- 9783967041309
• La compilation de 20 à 25 circuits moto à couper le souffle dans les régions les plus reculées du globe, pour goûter à l'ivresse des routes de l'aventure • Un titre co-écrit par Jordan Gibbons, rédacteur pour Built • Des textes exclusifs de Jordan Gibbons sur des professionnels reconnus du monde motocycliste - un mélange équilibré d'histoires inspirantes, d'astuces pratiques et de conseils d'experts pour planifier vos propres aventures
Fish, Octopus, turtles - what shape are they?!
Our latest collaboration with Marcos Farina and the followup to the much-loved and popular Little Gestalten board books, The Animal Show and How Many Birds?, Fishing For Shapes explores first shapes in Marcos' colorful and fun way - with underwater creatures! -
Prefab and modular : Prefabricated houses and modular architecture
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 7 Mai 2024
- 9783967041248
Step into the new era of architecture and design with Prefabricated Architecture, a well-curated collection of prefabricated and modular housing as well as cultural and office buildings. This book explores the unlimited possibilities of prefabricated and modular construction, looks at its various applications, and locks into how these technologies have been used throughout the history of design.
Whether a design professional, a homeowner, or an architecture lover, Prefabricated Architecture inspires the reader to improve their practice through innovative solutions, and find a perfect house to be constructed in just a few days. -
La vie nomade : à la découverte du monde en van
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 15 Septembre 2022
- 9783967040623
Découverte du voyage en fourgonnette aménagée. Voici les véhicules qui permettent de nouvelles aventures avec tout le confort du monde. La vie nomade montre comment la créativité et l'ingénuité peuvent transformer une fourgonnette en un chaleureux petit foyer mobile. Certains sont minimalistes, d'autres proposent des conforts plus rustiques et d'autres encore sont de véritables emblèmes du design. Vivre dans un Overlander sur les routes glacées du cercle polaire ; traverser l'Afrique dans un bus scolaire converti ; travailler et surfer sur les côtes sauvages dans un multivan : cela devient réalité pour un week-end, une semaine ou plusieurs années. Ce livre traite d'un mode de vie qui redéfinit la mobilité et des véhicules qui le rendent possible.
Exploring Space
Anne Ameri-siemens, Anton Hallmann
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 22 Août 2024
- 9783967047707
Get ready to join Emma and Louis as they begin Exploring Space! See incredible sights, discover the secrets of the cosmos and learn all about the amazing planets, stars, galaxies, the incredible technology and even the people who travel to space!
Les itinéraires à vélo les plus emblématiques du monde Rien n'est comparable avec le simple plaisir d'un tour à bicyclette, disait John F. Kennedy. Tous tous les ans, de plus en plus de gens partent à la découverte de leur pays - ou de nouvelles regions - à vélo. Voyager en deux roues, c'est être indépendant, se rapprocher de la nature et rencontrer du monde. Ici, Stefan Amato, cyclotouriste de longue date et expert en la matière, présente les tours emblématiques dont rêvent tous les adeptes de cette façon de voyager. La Transpyrénéenne entre la France et l'Espagne, la Ruta Austral en Patagonie, l'Itarod en Alaska et d'autres encore. Amato nous plonge dans l'histoire et la géographie de ces trajets et il nous donne des conseils sur la préparation, sur l'équipement, sur les particularités de chaque itinéraire. Ce livre s'adresse autant aux amateurs de cyclotourisme qu'à ceux qui viennent de découvrir la magie et le simple plaisir d'un tour à bicyclette.
Some species have to hunt to eat, and the different ways that animals hunt and fish for their food are absolutely fascinating! From animals that need to chase their prey, to others that deceive, pretend, poison, and even hypnotise their victims ... Welcome to an incredible world in which putting food on your plate is an art-whether it's eat, or be eaten!
Down at the beach you can do so many things! You can build sand castles, play paddles or frisbee, go canoeing, jump from rocks, stand up paddle boarding, search for treasures or watch the sunset! The Beach is a lovely visual journey for young children, all about the joy of being outside in nature. Let's go on an adventure!
Nocturnal : Animals after dark
Lucas Riera, Angel Svoboda
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 7 Septembre 2023
- 9783967047622
Most living things are active as long as the sun shines on the sky, but at dusk, when the light dims, life continues. The moonlight illuminates the Earth, plants come to life, animals awaken and some organisms glow like jewels in the dark. For these creatures, plants and natural phenomena, the night falls and another day begins.
The Savile Row suit : The art of hand tailoring
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 7 Mai 2024
- 9783967041255
Savile Row is the home of hand tailoring. This short street is home to many of the world's finest tailoring houses, a street where for over 200 years royals, rock stars, and giants of the business and political worlds have come to have their clothes cut, sewn and fitted. Patrick Grant, co-owner of Savile Row tailors Norton & Sons, describes the long-standing traditions of craftsmanship that are maintained in the workrooms of this quiet corner of London's Mayfair - a fascinating and uniquely storied world. He celebrates the extraordinary ecosystem, from the British weavers and cloth houses to the trimmings merchants, that allows Savile Row to flourish.
Grant shines a light on the captivating story of Savile Row, the painstaking processes required to create a bespoke garment, and the story of his personal experiences on this most famous thoroughfare. This book details, for the first time, the complete tailoring methods of several of Savile Row's finest sewing tailors, providing a detail -
Concrete jungle : tropical architecture and its surprising origins
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 6 Avril 2023
- 9783967040890
Combine concrete's stoicism with luscious vegetative environments and you get to the language of tropical modernism. In continuity with its founding principles from the mid 20th century, today's architectural visionaries renew the use of raw materials, such as exposed concrete, to explore functionality rather than aesthetics.
No matter if works are created in total symbiosis with the tropical landscape or surrounded by flourishing nature, Concrete Jungle presents the dichotomy of the rough material being softened by interaction with the interior and exterior. When gray meets green a never ending range of impressions awakens. -
The oceans : The maritime photography of Chris Burkard
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 7 Septembre 2023
- 9783967041262
The oceans are the lifeblood of our planet, a source of wonder, beauty, and inspiration. In this breathtaking photo book, Chris Burkard, world-renowned outdoor photographer and explorer, takes us on a journey across the seven seas.
From the rugged shores of the North Atlantic to the tranquil waters of the tropics, Burkard's lens captures the stunning diversity and ever-changing beauty of the world's oceans. With each turn of the page, readers are transported to a different corner of the globe, immersing themselves in natural splendor.
But The Oceans is more than just a collection of stunning photographs. It's a call to action, a reminder of the urgent need to protect and preserve our fragile blue planet. Through his art, Burkard encourages us to see the oceans not just as a resource to be exploited, but as a source of wonder and inspiration that deserves our respect and stewardship. Dive into The Oceans and experience the awe-inspiring beauty of the world's deep blue waters. -
Sublime hideaways : remote retreats and residences
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 6 Avril 2023
- 9783967040913
Escape to the seaside or into the forest and find remote architectural masterpieces that are just as inspiring as your destination. Spanning all continents, Sublime Hideaways presents a selection of houses that encourages planning the next getaway. Meet the starships of modern architecture from the last decade and their futuristic antecedents that still feel contemporary. Be invited to plan your next trip with a view!
Spend a day in the mountains, exploring new places and enjoying the incredible sights! You can hike, go camping or climbing, you can see the amazing wildlife or, depending on the weather, swim or even play in the snow! The Mountain is a beautiful visual journey for young children, all about the joy of being outside in nature. Let's go on an adventure!
Sun and Shiro and the polka dot snake
Hiyoko Imai
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 17 Novembre 2022
- 9783967047097
Fresh apples, curious fruit-loving creatures, and a great friendship - this is a picture book for all tastes. Sun and his whitetailed dog, Shiro, love to explore together, spending their days savoring the beauty of the outdoors. This book follows them into the forest in search of delicious, shiny red apples that grow during the fall season. Along the way they meet a curious little creature called Polka-Dot Snake?a slithering friend who happens to love apples even more than them. The problem is, he's eating too many of them, and too fast. At its core, Sun and Shiro and the Polka-Dot Snake is about more than apples. It is a charming tale of friendship that consequently educates young readers about healthy eating without pointing a moral finger.
Ask me about ...dinosaurs : 20 answers about the prehistoric world
Natae Rae, Anna Doherty
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 7 Novembre 2023
- 9783967047554
What did dinosaurs sound like? What did the dinosaurs eat? Were dinosaurs afraid of spiders? With 20 questions exploring the prehistoric world, you can learn everything you ever wanted to know about dinosaurs in this colorful, illustrated book.
Goliath ; un garçon pas comme les autres
Ximo Abadía
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 24 Septembre 2019
- 9783899558883
Goliath est grand. Très grand. Bien plus grand que tous les enfants de son âge. Goliath se sent seul et isolé. Pour essayer de trouver sa place dans le monde, il quitte sa maison et son village. Dans ses aventures, il rencontre l'océan, il rencontre le soleil, et finalement la lune qui lui révèle que nous sommes tous différents et que c'est ce qui rend chacun de nous unique. Goliath est une histoire émouvante et poétique qui résonnera avec tout enfant se confrontant à l'altérité.
Experience the best hiking routes under the southern sun through practical tips, comprehensive maps, and captivating visuals. The Mediterranean region has some of the most beautiful and diverse landscapes in the world, encompassing soaring mountain ranges, wide forests, deep valleys, and rugged coastlines. From Spain to Jordan, via Italy, Greece, and more, the Mediterranean is a paradise for nature lovers and hikers. In Wanderlust Mediterranean long-distance adventurer Cam Honan takes us on a journey through the most breathtaking hiking routes in Southern Europe and beyond, taking in France, Portugal, the Balkans, Morocco, and other countries along the Mediterranean Sea. The book comprises more than 25 featured hikes, including such spectacular trails as the Caminito del Rey, the Peaks of the Balkans, and the Selvaggio Blu trail. In addition to this there's another dozen bonus hikes, plus maps, stunning photography, expert commentary, and countless tips for beginners and experts alike.
The house of green : Natural homes and biophilic architecture
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 21 Mars 2024
- 9783967041408
In the search for the sweet spot where nature and modern-day living meet, The House of Green delivers solutions for a perfect blend of both worlds.
Longing for nature is no strange feeling for anyone. We dream about forests and waterfalls whenever we need a minute to breathe and relax. But what if the calming lushness were a part of our daily life and work?
The House of Green is a collection of the most stunning architecture and interiors incorporating nature in their designs, that explores the benefits of this approach to homes, workplaces, and more. Whether you are a design lover looking to revamp your home or a designer searching for new professional solutions, we invite you to dive in and fully experience The House of Green through the immersive visual pages inside. -
Fermiers urbains - renouer avec la nature au ca ur de la ville
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 7 Octobre 2021
- 9783967040470
Nous sommes ce que nous mangeons, mais savons nous vraiment ce que nous mangeons? L'agriculture urbaine est un mouvement planétaire qui encourage la pratique d'un mode de culture, de transformation et de distribution au cÅ?ur de la cité. Dans un monde de plus en plus urbanisé, explorer l'agriculture urbaine en vue de promouvoir un mode de vie plus vert apparaît comme un élément essentiel à la qualité de la vie citadine. De l'apiculture sur les toitures à la culture de champignons en sous-sol, Fermiers urbains se penche sur le champ fascinant et divers de l'agriculture urbaine de Paris à New-York et Nairobi, en vous offrant l'opportunité de tirer parti des meilleures pratiques pour passer à l'action, sur votre balcon ou dans un jardin communautaire, et au-delà. Prêts à cultiver mieux pour manger mieux et à rendre ce monde meilleur!
Upgrade your house : rebuild, renovate, and reimagine your home
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 26 Octobre 2023
- 9783967041125
Turning an unassuming house into a desirable home requires creative vision and skillful execution but not a huge budget.
Discover the art of transforming old architecture into a haven of comfort and style. This is your guide to upgrading your home without breaking the bank, as it offers a carefully curated selection of projects that showcase the best renovations, rebuilds, and extensions from private residences across the globe.
At the heart of Upgrade Your House is the philosophy of sustainability, which shows how a creative vision and skillful execution can transform a preexisting structure into a dream home. With a focus on inspiring practical solutions, this book reveals how changes to floor plans, modern extensions, or cleverly executed refurbishments can unleash the full potential of any house to become a desirable residence.
Whether you're an architect, designer, or homeowner, the captivating imagery and floor plans, make Upgrade Your House an indispensable reference. -
Wild life : the life and work of Charley Harper
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 21 Avril 2022
- 9783967040463
Ladybugs, birds, dogs, and owls. With a never-ending curiosity for the world around him, Charley Harper developed one of the most recognizable styles of American illustration in the 20th century. With a body of work ranging from advertising and posters to murals and paintings, and a delicate approach to lines and colors, Harper's love of nature led him to create an influential legacy that is now compiled in this definitive monograph. Curated in collaboration with the Charley Harper Art Studio, led by his son Brett Harper, and offering insights into his private life, influences, and professional evolution, this book presents the Harper universe in its totality. A must-read to understand the legacy of this Mid-Century master, who set the basis for modern illustration.
Les comics Marvel illustrent une histoire unique, celle d'une idée qui allait conquérir le monde et finir par influencer toute chose, du pop art aux émojis.
En se penchant sur l'évolution graphique de l'univers de cet éditeur de légende, ce titre rend hommage à un pilier de la culture visuelle moderne.
L'univers de Marvel est énergique, explosif et légendaire. Tout commença par un Boom !
Et un Bang !
Marvel a inspiré la vie de millions de lecteurs, familles et créateurs. C'est aujourd'hui l'une des marques les plus identifiables du monde, au riche langage visuel qui influença des générations entières. De l'art des années 1960 aux diffusions virales sur internet, le monde de Marvel a été un pilier de la culture populaire. L'évolution graphique de la marque joua un rôle majeur dans sa transformation et sa domination. Marvel By Design rend compte de ces étapes au fil du temps, de la façon dont la marque sut s'adapter à des environnements média en constante évolution et devenir un modèle inégalé, à l'héritage charismatique et à l'innovation sans cesse renouvelée.
S'attardant sur les moindres détails, de la célèbre Marvel Method aux éléments graphiques qui ont modelé le plus illustre comics au monde, ce livre nous invite à découvrir une marque et son image de marque. Une vibrante épopée passant en revue logos, couvertures, modèles, typographies, brand books et bien plus. Un livre incontournable pour mieux saisir ce que la culture du comics doit à l'indiscutable influence de Marvel dans le champ créatif et comprendre pourquoi l'histoire d'un comics finit par devenir partie intégrante de la culture populaire.